Tuesday, March 8, 2011

International Women's Day

I am not wishing anyone Happy IWD today. IWD is not a hallmark holiday, it came from the women, the women workers, the women activists and fighters for change.

I stand in sisterhood and solidarity with all the women working for change, equality rights, peace, and yes, our liberation.

Bread and Roses

As we come marching, marching in the beauty of the day,
A million darkened kitchens, a thousand mill lofts gray,
Are touched with all the radiance that a sudden sun discloses,
For the people hear us singing: "Bread and roses! Bread and roses!"

As we come marching, marching, we battle too for men,
For they are women's children, and we mother them again.
Our lives shall not be sweated from birth until life closes;
Hearts starve as well as bodies; give us bread, but give us roses!

As we come marching, marching, unnumbered women dead
Go crying through our singing their ancient cry for bread.
Small art and love and beauty their drudging spirits knew.
Yes, it is bread we fight for -- but we fight for roses, too!

As we come marching, marching, we bring the greater days.
The rising of the women means the rising of the race.
No more the drudge and idler -- ten that toil where one reposes,
But a sharing of life's glories: Bread and roses! Bread and roses!

James Oppenheim - lyrics. Martha Colman, Caroline Kohlsaat - music.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Organizing Women for International Women's Day

How to Prevent Rape:
Go to this website now for a step by step guide.
Smart stuff!

There seems to be a new and much needed upsurge in discussion about rape. While the link above is from 2009, it is still getting passed around the interwebs, and there is a reason for this. It is directed toward men, as many of the other new campaigns are. Women are more media savvy then ever before, and more of us have tools we did not have in the past in order to agitate on our own terms. Women's groups are also savvy, and are using the lessons learned on the ground in organizing alongside cutting edge marketing and advertising techniques to get the message out. These messages aimed squarely at men make me grin ear to ear and hope for a new wave of even more and better agitation from the next women anti-rape activists around the world. Watch out Julian Assange, the women are onto you and your cronies, and we are not going to let you get away with it!

Still, I was struck by something about women's organizing on Saturday.

It is the 100th anniversary of International Women's Day on March 8 and there was a march in Vancouver, one of many around the world, to commemorate. I could not go because of my health; but I did end up out and about for some part of the afternoon. What struck me was not only how little impact the march had on the city, but also how big the city is, and how much work we women have to do to make a mark that with change things. For surely things cannot go on, business as usual, and yet they do. As I moved through 3 different neighbourhoods I realised that no one knew what was happening a few blocks away, that this city's organizers' small vision for this day would leave little trace, and all of our hard, hard work of the last 100 years and more has no place in the day to day life of the place.

My workplace is hosting a pancake breakfast for women staff tomorrow, a small women only event which is again questioned by women and men alike for it's appropriateness. There are a handful of identifiable feminists in the organization, who are activists away from work, but we have not been asked to speak. Instead, we are playing Jeopardy, eating pancakes (I am having Lenten body memories from this! ha!) and listening to three good hearted women, all supervisors and managers, talk about women's leadership.

It just makes me sad; this agency de-certified from a union several years ago, a move which I think was a good one at the time, as they moved from being public sector to non profit employees. The history of the agency is an activist one, so the general inclination around the place has kept our wages, benefits, and working conditions decent. But change is coming in the form of government funding formulas and sources; hirings to management have already taken place which signal a move away from a social change agenda. So we are disconnected from the reasons to host an International Women's Day event, which was afterall International Women Workers Day - the day women socialists organized for themselves in Russia, and then the rest of Eastern Europe, which carried so much momentum it is one of the driving forces behind the Revolution of 1917.

I am of conflicted because I hold dear to the idea that unions are of and for the working class, and my job is not a working class one; still, it would be nice to talk about our work and what it means to be a woman doing our work in some sort of context. We work with poor and unemployed people, from 18-65, across race, class and gender, and we are not to encourage insurrection amongst them, although in all good conscience we should be. I personally do not know how to 'teach' the 'lifeskill' called 'Empowerment' without some sort of discussion about how to access power in a patriarchal society. I do not find eating pancakes while listening to management discuss women's leadership empowering to me as a woman, nor as a woman who works outside my home, not one bit. Instead, it makes me want to be a bit rebellious. Well, it all makes me want to be a lot rebellious.

Back to International Women's Day and organizing working women in a city now. I stand beside all unions, public sector unions of the professional middle class as well, and of course. But as the unions are more upwardly classed, something is lost - the rank an file is not the rank and file it used to be, fighting for a wage to keep food on the table is inherently different from doing the same for a salary which pays a mortgage payment (mine won't,) and the heart, soul, street, fight, and context or union organizing is completely lost in the current state of affairs. Case in point: the garment workers were not organized away from their machines for the march. Neither were the women working in the poultry processing and rendering plants. Neither were the women working in retail and restaurants.

We have won much. Yet worker's rights, women's rights are under attack.

Since I mentioned garment, factory and service industry workers, let's look at minimum wage. We know minimum wage is not enough to survive on anywhere, especially here, one of the more expensive cities to live in in the world. On that basis alone, we should be gathering women to us, to each other, into the working class movement, into the women's movement. We need a Living Wage and then we need a Guaranteed Living Income. As a start, every single union should be signed up to the Living Wage campaign and insisting on this wage ($16+ in Vancouver) for their members. Every single feminist organizer needs to insist they do.

Organizing working class women to these goals could be a step toward change which makes everyone look up, take notice, pay attention. For more then an afternoon.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


My friend Erin posting for feminist lesbians in Van-City.
End Prostitution NOW!


Wanna be...

This series makes me laugh and laugh. Watch all of them, you will too!

There's nothing like taking the piss out of hipster poets, not really.

It seems like there is some sort of techie template thing to make these videos. I'll investigate and report back. In the meantime, enjoy!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Poets and Operas

So I almost peed my pants with glee tonight.

I was doing research for my new project and found this gem of literary genius: Anne Carson created a libretto around Simone Weil.

I don't know why it surprises me when I find operas written by poets and why I get excited by this form in particular. But I am delighted each and every time I make a new discovery. These libretto tend to be gifts of often glorious writing.

Margaret Atwood was interviewed on CBC radio on February 2nd, when she was in town. She discussed how she is working collaboratively with groups of 3 writers/actors/musicians at a time to create the readings around The Year of the Flood. This all got me very excited. I did not get out of my car until she finished talking about these performances (and bird watching in Stanley Park before her interview,) and I did not care that my neighbours were looking at me funny as they walked by.

Atwood also recently wrote a libretto about Pauline Johnson. You can read an article about that equally exciting project here.

I took Meryn Cadell's Lyric and Libretto class at UBC a few years back and not only did I just love, love, love all the young musicians I got to work with, I considered myself thoroughly blessed to get 4 months to muck around with a form that was outside my ken with Meryn as my guide. I have my own libretto of sorts in the works; reading and listening to Carson tonight made me want to revisit this work of mine and see how to make it come alive again.

Stay tuned.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

I'm back!

Yes, yes I am.

A few short hours ago someone dear to me said I never finish anything. That sucked to hear. But then again, I haven't worked this blog for 3 years, so that's something, a big boulder of truth lurking in cyber space doing its own little truth tell. I liked this blog and what I was doing with it. Blogs have changed since then, so I will be catching up and hopefully moving ahead in new directions for myself, for the writing. I ask yor patience gentle reader as I work out the kinks.

Here is a literary thing that is new to me but isn't new. Thank you for Daniel Z from Poetry is Dead for the link to: BookThug News

cheers, and cheer me on!

Monday, September 17, 2007

a bit of Pat Lowther


Pat Lowther

From: Time Capsule, Polestar 1996, p.201.

Before the wreckers come,
Uproot the lily
From the hard angle of earth
By the house.
Crouch by the latticed understairs
Rubbish and neglect
(The sudden lightning
Of sun
On your back
Between the opening
And shutting
Of the March-blown clothesline,
Rise and fall of the swift light
Like blows.)
Here a lifetime's
Slimy soapsuds
Curdle the earth,
In this corner
Under the stairs,
But have not killed
The woodbugs
Nor the moths' pupae
Which brush your fingers
As you dig
For the round, rich root,
The lily root
Which has somehow, senselessly,
Not been killed either
But has grown every year
An astonished babyhood,
An eye-struck Easter.
Pack it among the photographs,
The silver polish,
And the last laundry
Which will not again
Lift and shutter
For the shattering sun.
Mark its container: X
Two intersecting lines,
A lattice point
Of time
And the years' seasons.

Before the wreckers come,
Carry away
The lightning-bulb of sun.


Wednesday, August 8, 2007

I've been a bad blogger....

I broke all the rules and didn't write or add anything for a month. I was supposed to be excelling at English Literature and learning French instead. But I was not doing those things either. I could blame facebook, but that's a cop out - and everyone knows I hate de pigs.


I've been hiding out in anxiety disorder land, laying about fatigued from stupid MS, watching my typing deteriorate because of stupid MS, (this would cause anxiety in a writer, no?) and covetting electronic gadgets I don't need but really, really want. Like a digital camera I can really work with. Even my old SLRs are pieces of crap, broken, hand me downs, the usual crud of working class existence. Two of my friends got brand new MACs and I got this ancient crappy one, so I end up using Diann'es PC anyway. I could harumph all day about how hard done by I am with my substandard equipment - one last whine - an artist needs this shit! - okay that's done.

Really, the problem is anxiety. Fine, I admit it, I'm a basketcase. I throw great parties though... just like a desperate housewife, I am. (not the sort on TV, more like my working class mom...) sigh...

okay, enough. blah. blah. out, out, damn spot!

confessionals suck....


okay here's something to enjoy and savour: Fag bug!

This is a most excellent activist called Erin Davis, who everyone should support!

Some arseholes wrote 'fag' on her car and instead of wiping it off, she got even by keeping it that way and becoming a transcontinental activist. She was in the Pride Parade in Vancouver and is apparently off to Laramie to meet Matthew Sheppard's parents. She is trying for a gig on L-word too - if you read my blog and got a connection, contact her through the website below and let her know. Apparently, she had a line on "Shane" - Apparently "Shane" goes to the same Blenz every day. RUFK Me? Which Blenz, I ask? There are like 50 of them in this city... Sigh... "Shane"

oh... right... back to activism...

here's the link: http://www.fagbug.com/

make a donation, grab a sticker from her, put it on your car: help her get one million cars designated as fag bugs!

My car is a fag bug - is yours?


Thursday, July 5, 2007

Sue Goyette is this week's poet

I picked this book of poetry up cheap and it is a wee gift, indeed. A big one actually. If you find it, pay full price for it, or send her the difference or something. Working poets need us to read their work and buy their books.

Sue Goyette
2004, Brick Books


BTW: Brick Books is a great Canadian small press, producing amazing and beautiful books. Buy their books!

Here is an interview and a poem, Three Tulips, reposted from Contemporary Verse 2 (which you shold subscribe to. (hint: buy Canadian literature in all its forms.))



Wednesday, June 27, 2007

a new old obsession...

good day all.
poetry today.
Monsieur Leonard Cohen.


When I was about fifteen
I followed a beautiful girl
into the Communist Party of Canada.
There were secret meetings
and you got yelled at
if you were a minute late.
We studied the McCarran Act
passed by the stooges in Washington,
and the Padlock Law
passed by their lackeys in Quebec,
and they said nasty shit
about my family
and how we got our money.
They wanted to overthrow
the country that I loved
(and served, as a Sea Scout).
And even the good people
who wanted to change things,
they hated them too
and called them social fascists.
They had plans for criminals
like my uncles and aunties
and they even had plans
for my poor little mother
who had slipped out of Lithuania
with two frozen apples
and a bandanna full of monopoly
They never let me get near the girl
and the girl never let me get near the girl.
She became more and more beautiful
until she married a lawyer
and became a social fascist herself
and very likely a criminal too.
But I admired the Communists
for their pig-headed devotion
to something absolutely wrong.
It was years before I found something
comparable for myself:
I joined a tiny band of steel-jawed
who considered themselves
the Marines of the spiritual world. It's
just a matter of time:
we'll be landing this raft
on the Other Shore,
we'll be taking that beach
on the Other Shore.

Copyright © by Leonard Cohen. Mt Baldy, May 1997.
Reprinted with permission. Any other use forbidden.

here are some youtube vids... enjoy...

this was my intro to him: (i'm a child of the video age...what can I say?)

there's a bunch more in the middle navigation bar.

A great thing about Cohen: he embraces other media. This transforms the poetry. Read Suzanne off the page. Then listen to him sing the poem.
